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 WoS: Chapter 9

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4 posters

Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
Location : Bright and Sunny Philippines!
Reputation : 1
Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2009 4:39 pm

After the conference everybody left and went to sleep except for Seraph and the elders. " Tell me elders, what really happened to my father?" " Uhh, of course chieftain, yyyour father was murdered by one of the servants." " That was the story you want me and the village to believe. Tell me. what really happened to my father?" " Very well then Seraph. Your father left the village in seacrch for the Gate of the Worlds." " The Gate of the Worlds!?" " Yes. As he reached the gate, 3 beams of light came from different locations. One beam came from you." " What? The beam came from me???" " Yes Seraph. The gate then opened adn he entered the plane of Aznala. We never heard from him again. That is what really happened to your father Seraph." " I understand. Thank you for telling me the truth." Seraph then went to bed. He suddenly dreamt about his father. " Father? Where are you?" " Here I am my son. I went into Aznala to find a way to bring peace abck to Sylfe. I knew that Sylfe would be in danger that's why I went to the Gate of the worlds." " Father..." " Seraph, be brave we will meet again, in Aznala." " Father! Father!..." He suddenly woke up. " Father... We will meet again." He had the determined look on his face. He had another motivation for going to the plane of Aznala, to meet his father again.
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Malkuthe Highwind
Malkuthe Highwind

Number of posts : 197
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WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 15, 2009 7:36 pm

Squinting in the searing light of the sun, Malkuthe limped alongside Saffyre, wondering if the heat had gotten to her. They were in the desolate middle of nowhere. Saffyre could have flown off and looked for a place to go, but she didn't want to leave Malkuthe, who was still too weak to even unfurl his wings.

The midday sun was bearing down on them, its heat almost intolerable. It had Malkuthe at his wit's end. Then, in the middle of grumbling as he limped beside Saffyre, he stumbled on a piece of rock. Looking around, he mumbled exasperatingly as he saw the ground riddled with them. Just then, he noticed writing on the rock he stumbled on. It stated "V...t... o...en... ni...e... k...ys... t... g...t... l...f..." Malkuthe was too tired to even try to decipher the writing. Looking behind him, he saw the mountains that they came from faraway into the distance. There was definitely no turning back now.


Hours later, Malkuthe saw in the distance a lush spring. Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, He and Saffyre ran toward it in all swiftness. Malkuthe lagging behind because of his injury.

Malkuthe almost fell face first into the hot dirt in laughter when he saw Saffyre hit an invisible barrier. He limped toward the spring. When he was already parallel to it, he felt something fall cold on his chest. He noticed that it was the crystal of Saffyre's soul. Saffyre felt the same with Malkuthe's.

The invisible barrier turned translucent, and, as though a torn scroll, opened. Malkuthe and Saffyre stepped into the spring in tandem. In the middle lay a large pool of deep water. From the depths, something disturbed the tranquility of the surface. Slowly a reddish glow spread through the water.

As though freed from a tomb millenia old, a crimson key levitated in front of them.

Behold the Key of Fire and Wisdom, this shall open the way to the realm of Noundele...

A voice resounded through the creek.
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Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
Location : Bright and Sunny Philippines!
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Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 7:29 pm

After Seraph had prepared to leave, the elders came to him. " Be careful chieftain." " I always am." He left the tribe and flew as fast as he can. He tried to find the rest. He first tried to find them in Malleirhen, but they weren't there. He tried the Gate of the Worlds, but they weren't there either. Just then he remembered that Solen was in the Liberum Eternum. He headed there at full speed. As soon as he got there, he saw the group searching for Solen. " Look! It's Seraph." " Solen!" " Seraph, it's good to see you." " You're wounds have healed. But how?" " Lamia had healed me when they arrived." " What are you doing." " We're doing the bonding ceremony."What!?"

Meanwhile, the elf had hid once the ceree hid into the hidden village. he returned to his village. He became scared of what he had saw during the battle. He became discouraged. He didn't know what to do. Just then a voice said " Be brave, for you will be an important being in restoring Sylfe." He then came back to the Sacred Wings. But, he felt someone watching him. It looked like a shadow of a ceree. But he didn't see any of his features. He didn't care that much and he continued walking.
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Number of posts : 80
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WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 3:27 pm

Erithe saw Seraph land not far off, Solen greeted him warmly. Kali and Lamia were close, preparing for the bonding ceremony. She was sitting alone in the distance looking up and thinking. Thinking if there was a supreme being up there somewhere watching her. And if there was, what was he doing. Her thoughts drifted unwantingly to memories of not so long ago. Of the love she once shared with someone, how she had been so stupid as to let it go... How her partner had refused to forgive her after she apologized. She knew that the person who broke her heart will be the only one who can heal it.. Erithe was falling inlove woth Solen but she was preventing herself..Maybe, just maybe, she was just using him to forget her past. She did not want to hurt Solen..Solen was a good friend and all Solen did was help her with her problems. While pondering, Erithe heard footsteps..
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Malkuthe Highwind
Malkuthe Highwind

Number of posts : 197
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WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 3:53 pm

The key floated in front of the two, serenely floating in the cool air. Malkuthe reached out to it with his magic, but just as the strands got near it, they were repelled by a sphere of invisible energy. Saffyre tried the same, but to no avail.

All of a sudden, they were thrown back by a wall of air. A shrill, piercing whistle echoed through the creek. Malkuthe saw the key expel 7 tongues of flame from itself. They floated around the key in a circular manner. Slowly, the ring expanded, each tongue of fire revolving slowly around the key.

When the ring was big enough to fit both of them through, the air in it shimmered and showed a ghastly landscape. It was no more than a blackened road, hanging over a bottomless abyss. The sky was blood red. At the end of the road floated a black castle, around its tallest spires swirled shadows that screamed like tormented souls. Trees grew around it erratically, but they didn't look like trees. Their branches appeared as though they were clawing at the crimson sky.

They stepped through the shimmering hole and found themselves in the realm of the brother of shadows...
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Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
Location : Bright and Sunny Philippines!
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Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:08 pm

While everybody was preparing for the bonding ceremony, the moon rose and Seraph then heard footsteps. Someone was in the library. But he didn't care that much. He was still confused about this bonding ceremony. He left the group and went further in the library. He decided to read some books and tomes to at least get some significant information. He read numerous books, but he didn't find anything. The only book that interested him was entitled 'The Unity of the 6 Races'. " Why does this book say 6 races? Oh, this book must've included the human race." He started to read some more. " The unity of the races lead to prosperity throughout the land. Everything was peaceful. Even when the Dark Lord stood once more, the six races stood undivided and they easily defeated the Dark Lord." As he finished reading, he sighed. " Wow! Amazing! I didn't know that the unity of the races would even defeat the Dark One." Seraph then realized that the power that he possessed was not complete. He missed the power of one race, the humans. He went back to where the rest where. He then saw a shadow coming closer.
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Malkuthe Highwind
Malkuthe Highwind

Number of posts : 197
Age : 29
Location : In a tiny blue speck, floating upon the vastness of space.
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Registration date : 2008-10-30

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:37 pm

From his mount, he saw a single Ceree flying toward where Galaria once was. He knew at once that this was his target. His black robes and cloak, along with his black mount, made him nearly imperceptible in the darkness of the night sky.

Brushing a finger of thought at the Ceree he saw in its mind that its goal was to resurrect a power so ancient, that it was thought gone forever. In a booming voice he declared "So, you seek the power of the humans? Then allow me to kill you so that you may join their ranks!" A black spear materialized in his hands.

And he rushed at the Ceree with all intention of killing him. The water below gleamed in the moonlight, its black depths the perfect place to hide the body of the enemy. The Ceree was startled and tried to guard against the blow, but was too slow. He ended up rolling to the right in midair to prevent the spear from plunging into his chest.

Cael was helping Asphent organize the Ceree, when from the corner of his eye, he saw a blue figure atop a faraway rock jutting from the ground. He turned to take a better look, but the figure simply looked sternly at him and walked away.
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Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
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Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 5:01 pm

Seraph looked for the books that tell where Galaria was. He found out that it was buried under the sea. He then left the library in hopes of finding the power of the humans. As he flew over the sea, he was suprised to see a black spear coming right at him. He couldn't dodge so he rolled to the right to avoid the attack. He then fired a strong beam of light from his mouth. Luckily, the being dodged it. They would continue fighting until one dies.

Meanwhile the elf had reached where the Sacred Wings were. But he couldn't see anyone. He then saw flashes of light coming from beneath the lake. He swam deep under and tried to find the ceree. He almost ran out of breath when he saw a hidden cavern. He swam and at last, he found where the Sacred Wings tribe were. He went to the elders " Where are we?" " We are in a hidden cavern. This is the place where we take refuge when the tribe is in danger. Our leader has left again to continue his mission." " Then what is our next plan of action?" " Let us discuss this later."
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WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 7:58 pm

As the rain fell, a dragon stared blankly at the falling droplets of water that hit the rocks of the ruined city...
Thinking what will be happening to him and to his tribe...then suddenly..a flashback started to play at the back of his head..
"mother!! where will you go!! i need you please don't leave me..please.."
"it's for your own good..i have to do this.."
At that moment, he remembered everything as if it happened yesterday..
Being an orphan dragon, Noufend didn't have any direction in life, except to look for his parents..

Together with the help of his mighty tribe, the Selenadre, Noufend's only goal in life is to look for his long lost parents. Even if he is an orphan, Noufend grew with a smile on his face, fun loving but at the same time, serious when it comes to family and tribe concerns. All in all, Noufend is a joyful dragon with a bright future that awaits him on his journey.
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Malkuthe Highwind
Malkuthe Highwind

Number of posts : 197
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Location : In a tiny blue speck, floating upon the vastness of space.
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WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 8:21 pm

Malkuthe's knees shook as they entered the domain of the brother of shadow. It seemed as though it would devour him whole. He was unable to breathe in fright. He told Saffyre "Umm... maybe we should go..." "To the castle? Sure!" said Saffyre, sarcasm heavy in her voice "As if we would be able to go anywhere else..." continued she. "No I mean back out, to the oasis..." said Mallkuthe. "Why?" said Saffyre, raising an eyebrow. "Remember? I'm claustrophobic!" Malkuthe said, eyes flitting toward the boundless red.

"Oh come on, don't be such a scaredy." said Saffyre. "Fine..." mumbled Malkuthe complainingly. And so the began their walk toward the castle. It took them the best of a day to reach the obsidian steps, of course, the day did not pass without Malkuthe complaining. Walking upward, they looked up at the massive gate that towered above them. "Maybe we really should go back..." said Malkuthe worryingly. He was too late, Saffyre was busy banging at the gate.

The gate swung inward noiselessly. A voice from above greeted them "I see that someone has finally found my resting place." The being they saw was like a ghost, ethereal and with bone thin arms. The rest of it was covered in a tattered black cloak. It hovered in mid-air. "Noundele?"asked the two in unison. "Yes, and I suppose you came here to ask about the blossom of life, am I right?" boomed the voice. "Yes, indeed we came to ask about the bloom." said Saffyre, glaring at Malkuthe who was fidgeting around.

Noundele took them to a small bowl carved from the recesses in the wall. It was filled to the brim in opalescent water, strangely no ripple nor movement stirred its surface. Looking into it was like looking into a dream. Noundele took the crimson key and dropped it into the water. The water turned a sickly red and showed a vision of an old, ruined city. As she looked into the image, Saffyre thought that the place was somewhere she'd been to before.

Noundele told them that to find the Blossom of Life that they must restore the old city. He also warned them about the dangers of the blossom, how it could be used for evil. He spread out his arms and opened a portal to Malleithen, before the two departed, he told them.

Whomsoever holds the blossom, holds the powers of life and death in his hands...
Death will become your servant and the Angels would shy from you...
Let not death take the blossom from you...
He seeks to return his life and wreak havoc upon the world...
Be wary...
The power you seek is incomprehensible...

With that, the two left the obsidian castle and stepped into the moonlight field.
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Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
Location : Bright and Sunny Philippines!
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Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 8:57 pm

Seraph knew who he was battling. It was the Dark One. He then used every ounce of power he had to defeat him. The Dark One fought with spears, and beams of darkness, while Seraph countered with beams of light. The two were seemingly matched, but the Dark One had somewhat the advantage. The mark on Seraph's chest began to glow. What was strange though, the mark of the Dark One that was once in his wing somewhat flashed and then disappeared. He then felt immense pain. This was the Dark Lord's chance. He tried to impale Seraph's chest with a spear of darkness. Luckily, at the last moment, he was able to dodge.

Meanwhile, the elf had left the conference room. He began to wonder who told him to be brave. Just then one of the elders came to him " Tell me, why did you run away?" " I ran because I was scared. Then a voice said to be brave. That's why I came back." " Tell me, what is your name? You haven't told us anything about your name." " Very well. My name is.... Cherub."
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Malkuthe Highwind
Malkuthe Highwind

Number of posts : 197
Age : 29
Location : In a tiny blue speck, floating upon the vastness of space.
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Registration date : 2008-10-30

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 7:03 pm

From the realm of shadows, the two stepped into a realm of moonlight expanse. The continent of Malleithen was, like always, an eerily beautiful landscape.

The two had stepped out to an unfamiliar part of the continent of old. In the distance they saw a single spire reaching into the moonlit skies. In a burst of flame, the crimson key reappeared before them, this time lying parallel to their line or sight. It spun around and settled into position with a puff of flame pointing at the spire.

The two were intrigued and began to venture into the unknown region. As they got closer to the spire, perfectly shaped rocks began to appear more frequently. These rocks seemed as though they were thrusting from the ground. The road began to have paving, a feature that was seen only in the "Old City" or so, the elders have told them. The only thing was, that in the stories, the paving was made of pure, burnished gold.

The two were intently watching the key, not noticing that any piece of paving their feet touched turned a pale yellow that glittered in the light of the still moon. A gentle breeze wafted from somewhere to their east, carrying the scent and petals of flowers from a nearby field. Malkuthe's mind drifted back to memories of his long ago childhood.

The same thing had happened on the day that his mother was taken from him. The wind carried petals and swirled around Saffyre. Malkuthe was concerned; but, he did not mention this to Saffyre. The two continued walking toward the Spire not knowing whether or not fate was conspiring with or against them.


The enemy proved to be far more resilient. Each spear and beam countered with light. In the enemy's eyes he saw the power of the ancestors. He knew how to remove the powers, and he knew that unless he did, he will not be able to defeat the enemy.

The Dark Lord conjured up his staff. It was no taller than he was, its handle covered with intricate patterns of flame and shadow. Above the staff levitated an obsidian orb inscribed with a tiny key, with even tinier details. The orb floated within three revolving, concentric circles of opalescent obsidian.

Beginning to chant, the Dark One poured his magic into the incantation. The orb began to radiate a darkness so menacing that it turned the night sky around it into a pale gray. This darkness was gathered into an invisible ball of pure energy. The Dark One sent this ball against the enemy, it moved slowly and quietly. It crashed into Seraph's exposed chest, the power of an evil so ancient that it shook the world once, erupting into a conflagration of darkness.

The power of the ancestors faded, the battle was won. The Dark One summoned his spear and plunged it into his adversary's heart.
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Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
Location : Bright and Sunny Philippines!
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Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 8:02 pm

With the ball of darkness plunged appeared before him.where the mark of the ancients was, the 5 races then appeared before him. " Seraph, now that the mark is gone, we must leave also." " Leave? But what should I do now?" " Your soul will be put into a void for your physical body will be destroyed." " What should I do?" " Nothing. This was all meant to happen. The power of the ancients has faded. You have failed. Your mark will be replaced by the mark of the Dark One. You will become his servant and you will have no self control." " I accept my fate then. Once I had the fear of being alone in being a chieftain. But now, being a servant of the Dark One, I will not care about anything. I will be emotionless. So I accept this fate." " Very well then. Farewell Seraph. Your faith has been sealed for good." As the Dark One's spear hit Seraph's heart, he mumbled his last words... " My... f..e is ...aled.... So..." As Seraph fell the Dark One infused Seraph's body with Dark energy. When he will awaken, he will become a servant of the Dark One.
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Malkuthe Highwind
Malkuthe Highwind

Number of posts : 197
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Location : In a tiny blue speck, floating upon the vastness of space.
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Registration date : 2008-10-30

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2009 5:49 pm

The key remained aloft in front of them, pointing unceasingly at the ruins before them. The two dragons walked along the paved path, the golden stones behind them, unnoticeable to their eyes. Their two eyes remained transfixed on the floating key. Before them it began to vibrate and sent a beam of light into the middle building of the city. The beam caused the structure to glow a pale gold, as miraculously, the rock turned to pure gold.
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Number of posts : 78
Age : 28
Location : Bright and Sunny Philippines!
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Registration date : 2009-03-06

WoS: Chapter 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WoS: Chapter 9   WoS: Chapter 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 9:43 pm

After a few days, bubbles came from beneath the sea. Just then a dark figure came to surface. He had the features of the once great Ceree Seraph, but he somehow looked different. He was somehow sinister and the look on his eyes meant that the darkness surrounded him. True that he was once the great Seraph but the Dark One used his dead body as a vessel of pure dark energy. As he arose from the sea, he flew to where his master is. He flew to the southeast, to where the Dark One's castle is. He flew as fast as he can.
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